Issue 87: DIS United Kingdom
The General Election result will lead to dark days ahead. Get ready for bigger and faster cuts, bigger and faster wealth redistribution from the poor to the rich and so on.
Issue 87
Jun 2015
Download PDFThe General Election result will lead to dark days ahead. Get ready for bigger and faster cuts, bigger and faster wealth redistribution from the poor to the rich and so on.
We are entering a period of dark, dark days. There will be storms ahead ... no doubt of that.
Chris Stephens argues Labour’s train wreck was a long time coming but out of it can come hope
The SNP can be a central force in forming an anti-Tory alliance
Only returning to its past can Labour reclaim the future
Calls for democratic reforms to return Labour to its radical roots
Hope amidst the calamity of Tory rule?
Need for an enlarged anti-austerity political party
The left must be the SNP’s sternest critic
There is a space opening up for the radical left
Down south, we were not all afraid of the SNP doing well
Wales needs its own grassroots movement to sweep aside the old order
The old system is over but it’s not clear what the new one will be
SNP = social liberalism, not social democracy
There is an opening if the cards are played well
The SNP will be tested by what it does over university governance
The record of the Scottish Government in Further Education wouldn’t get top marks
The state of the railways in Scotland
Much was said and written about engaging with young people during this General Election, most of it predictably patronising. The reality for most is a lack of participation that stretches far beyond the polling booth. With secure, well paid jobs in scarce supply, many young adults feel a sense of isolation and powerlessness that another […]
Greece’s radical experiment in resisting austerity.
Colombia is the most dangerous place to be a union activist.
Documenting the terrible effect of the continuing blockade
Visiting Kobane to see the hope amid the devastation
Some compromises are worth making
Reviews of Wee White Blossom, Dave Does the Right Thing and From #Indy Ref to Eternity
It's likely voters turned away from Labour precisely because Ed was so vociferous in ruling out a deal with the SNP.