An American from the German Democratic Republic
– dialogue with Victor Grossman, commentator on German and European politics and occasional writer in Scottish Left Review.
Issue 100
Jul – Aug 2017
Download PDF– dialogue with Victor Grossman, commentator on German and European politics and occasional writer in Scottish Left Review.
Hooray, we are celebrating our 100th Edition with post General Election comment and analysis: May's mantra of ‘strong and stable’ leadership was revealed as ‘weak and wobbly’ while Corbyn became something akin to a conquering hero . Enjoy the articles and reviews but please become a paying subscriber at the 'join us' button above.
The Tories did as much to lose their slim parliamentary majority as Labour did to bring about the General Election Result.
Malcolm Harvey surveys the wreckage, identifying the victors and the vanquished.
Chris Stephens recounts his experience of the campaign.
Lesley Brennan argues that Labour is now on its way back.
Clare Haughey sees hope emerging as a phoenix from the bonfire of political certainties.
Lynn Henderson argues Corbyn has seized the zeitgeist and can do more.
Helen Mcfarlane reflects on her near miss to be a left Labour MP on June 8.
Colin Fox argues for a return to socialist struggles to lift up the fight for independence.
Carolyn Leckie argues for continued work on the cause of independence.
Maggie Chapman looks at the roots of the current political impasse.
We reprint from the back cover of the first edition of Scottish Left Review (September/October 2000), the founding statement.
Scottish Left Review interviewed its founding stalwart, Bob Thomson, on the past, present and future of the magazine.
We reprint in full and unchanged from issue number two (Dec 2000), Tom Nairn debating Scotland's future.
Jennifer Bonnar & Chris Ruddy recount their travels in Ecuador, after several months teaching English in the south.
Daniel Brillet explains why an old left figure has found new friends and supporters
Sean Sheehan reviews Tariq Ali's 'The Dilemmas of Lenin: Terrorism, War, Empire, Love, Revolution'.
Jackie Bergson reviews the documentary about 'Sleaford Mods', the fifth most listened to band at Glastonbury.
Vladimir McTavish on the three-day rollercoaster of emotions for millions of left-leaning Scots.