The founder of Scottish Left Review, Jimmy Reid, played a leading role in the one of the most successful campaigns of the post-war period. Starting in June 1971 and concluding in October 1972, the Upper Clyde Shipbuilders’ work-in humbled the Heath Conservative government. It was a new industrial tactic without precedence. In this issue and others over the next year, Scottish Left Review will be celebrating, commemorating and critiquing the work-in. We begin in this issue – on following pages – with some materials to allow readers to acquaint and re-acquaint themselves with the work-in. The Jimmy Reid Foundation is hosting a number of events over the coming period. The first is on Thursday 28 January 2021 at 7pm – an online talk given by Professor John Foster with discussion by a UCS veteran, James Cloughley, Stella Rooney of UNITE Scotland Young Members and Morgan Horn, a UNITE Scotland organiser. For details, see
This pamphlet is available to read at
Still available is: John Foster and Charles Woolfson (1986) The Politics of Upper Clyde Shipbuilder’s Work-in: Class Alliances and the Right to Work, Lawrence and Wishart, London.
This play will tour this year – see
This short film is available to watch at