

It was with some sadness and increasing anger that I read Derek Torrie’s contribution in the last issue. His was a ‘defence’, if I may grace it with such a description, which has been offered by the Tory Government, the right wing press, anti- Corbyn Labour MPs and, God help us, Jackie Baillie. He even used the term ‘deterrent’. Fortunately, his views are opposed by the Scottish Government, the Labour Party in Scotland (belatedly), the STUC, the Green Party, the SSP, RISE, the Scottish Churches and much of civic Scotland. Finally, he states that he would not stand up in front of his members and ask them to put their jobs at risk ‘on the basis of political principle’. There you have it – surely, the case for the most immoral and expensive job creation scheme in history.
Andrew Sanders

EU referendum info point

How do the unions line up on ‘should I stay or should I go?’ for the EU referendum? Those for a critical ‘stay’ are: Unite, UNISON, GMB, USDAW, CWU, UCATT, FBU, BECTU, TSSA, and Musicians’ Union (plus the STUC and TUC). Those for a ‘leave’ are: ASLEF, BFAWU and RMT. The NUT has decided not to take a position and, as we went to press, the PCS union had not yet decided upon its position.