Editorial: The tectonic plates of politics shift again
His and her family firm: Publicly funded pinnacle of inequality in wealth and power Tommy Sheppard
Off with their heids as we keep ours – the unfinished revolution must be finished Bill Bonnar
Subject-ive Questions David McKinstry
Yes, a republic! But what sort of republic? Gregor Gall
The monarchy is not the boon for tourism that it’s made out to be The Republic campaign group
Creating a workers’ economy starts in the workplace Pat Rafferty
Education workers and their unions are arising Mary Senior
There is no just transition without social infrastructure Katie Gallogly-Nelson
Calling out the deadly dinosaurs amongst our own brothers and sisters Stephen Smellie
Not so much of a care service and more of a complete omnishambles Stephen Low
Scotland’s divided health is tantamount to social apartheid Chris Yuill
The Police Scotland Colombian connection: Can wrong become right? Nick MacWilliam
The Manichaeism reality of Scottish ferries policy Alf Baird
Looking back on the decades David McKinstry
The forgotten village of Tirai (Glen Lochay) Patrick Phillips
Book and film reviews Jackie Bergson, Dexter Govan, Jenni Gunn, Sean Sheehan, Dave Sherry, Stephen Smellie
A Kick up the Tabloids Vladimir McTavish